Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Create Glycemic Control with These 6 Tips

Create Glycemic Control with These 6 Tips

It’s time for you to have Glycemic control in your life. That’s control of your blood sugar levels whenever you want. The word Glycemic means blood sugar.
The benefits of Glycemic control are vast:
  • Better weight control
  • Lose fat weight faster
  • Fewer headaches, irritability, anger outbursts, and mood swings
  • Better focus and concentration
  • Better sleep at night
  • Less hunger
  • Better workouts because of better endurance
  • Less risk of endometrial cancer and heart attacks
  • Healthier babies
  • Healthier when pregnant
  • Enhanced learning and memory
To gain Glycemic control, you may want to re-read the general guidelines in Getting Started with Low Glycemic Diets. Also, review the charts here .
Then you’ll start by creating low Glycemic diets for your weekly meal plans. You already know this, so here are 6 specific guidelines:
1. First write out your meal plan for the Glycemic diets.
  • On a plain sheet of paper, write Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner up at the top in a horizontal line. Write Snacks to the right of Dinner.
2. Add in your protein source
  • Eggs, chicken, turkey, beef, bison, pork, fish or lamb. For example, if you like eggs for breakfast, add eggs under the breakfast category. If you like spicy chicken wings for lunch, add them under the lunch category. And if you are a steak lover, add steak under dinner.
3. Now add your carbohydrate foods.
  • The ones that are primarily low GI. Again, review the charts and here. For example, if you like grapefruit with eggs in the morning, add a grapefruit. If you like a big salad for lunch with chicken wings, add salad ingredients. And if you like potato with your steak, well…substitute Uncle Ben’s converted rice.
4. Add another serving of carbohydrate foods.
  • From the Low GI category to the meals and fill in your snacks with nuts that have a GI of 0 or are low GI.
5. Add fat to the meals
  • To increase the calories a little, or only for one meal a day if you are trying to lose weight. For example, if you ate eggs for breakfast, fry them in butter. Add a salad dressing for lunch. Cook the steak with mushrooms marinated in olive oil.
6. Add a beverage to your meals and you’re finished.
  • Avoid soda, coffee and drinks loaded with sugar. Try fresh fruit juices, teas or just plain water.
When you want Glycemic control, there’s no doubt about it that you will have to compromise. The first week is the most difficult because some of the foods you are used to eating aren’t anywhere in sight. But keep your eye on the goal: monthly Glycemic diets that lead you to all the benefits.
The benefits are felt as early as Day 1! And that alone is a lot to look forward to. 

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